MSLSAM - Dump Msgin file in the log

8 votes

D179: Hello

It could be very powerfull if the MSLAM be able to dump the content of a MSGIN File before send it to the sam.

Current situation in a MSLSAM LOG :
14.03.2013 00:15:13:906 C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\MSGIN\*.* : File C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\MSGIN\wargus.12504.20130314.001513.330208515 was Created FileName, DirectoryName, LastWrite
14.03.2013 00:15:40:171 [CHK-ARGUS-B 0069123032] - Preparing Job Environment
14.03.2013 00:15:40:421 [CHK-ARGUS-E 0069123033] - Preparing Job Environment
14.03.2013 00:15:40:421 [CHK-ARGUS-B 0069123032] - Job Started (pid=15004)

Dream situation in a MSLSAM LOG :
14.03.2013 00:15:13:906 C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\MSGIN\*.* : File C:\Program Files\OpConxps\MSLSAM\MSGIN\wargus.12504.20130314.001513.330208515 was Created FileName, DirectoryName, LastWrite
File Dump :

Declined Windows Agent Suggested by: Hidden identity Upvoted: 27 Jan, '21 Comments: 0

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