Remove File Monitor In Use flag from MCP LSAM config file

3 votes

D459: I am considering removing the File Monitor iIn Use flag from the MCP LSAM configuration. ÿInstead, the SMA/RESOURCE/MONITOR would simply use the presence of the *SMA/FILEMON/DEFS file to determine if File Monitoring should occur, as is done for monitoring of system resources and monitoring of system messages.ÿHaving the File Monitor In Use field presents both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge is that the user must remember to turn on this flag, as well as implement a FILEMON/DEFS file, in order to monitor for file activity. ÿThe benefit in having this flag is that it allows the user to 'turn off' file monitoring simply by using the flag and thus eliminates the need to manipulate the FILEMON/DEFS file.ÿIf I remove the File Monitor In Use flag, the only way to disable file monitoring would be to change the name of the SMA/FILEON/DEFS file so that the Resource Monitor will not know it exists.ÿI would like to receive votes Up or DOWN on this idea, as well as a comment as

Declined MCP Agent Suggested by: Hidden identity Upvoted: 27 Jan, '21 Comments: 0

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