File Watcher 1 to many as opposed to current 1 to 1

3 votes

Currently we use Resource Monitor (RM) to monitor a directory for a range of file to be delivered. Examples are ACH, some institutions receive between 4-8 files a day and they have little control how many they get nor can they accurately predict the number. So we monitor the directory and add a sub-schedule for each file found. This will soon be the case with drafts as well. This also comes up with various reports and files from third party vendors.

At Shell FCU we tried to use the new File Watcher to do the same thing. The test the file watcher saw all the file and added the container job for the last file found. So with out a lot of complication, hoops, and loops File Watcher isn't adding multiple events per file found, just one event for one file. It could be another file watcher type or a check box for something like that, but some how mirror RMs function.

Declined OpCon Suggested by: Hidden identity Upvoted: 27 Jan, '21 Comments: 0

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