Email SMASUP debug containers to support contact upon creation

2 votes

D313: When the MCP LSAM has been running in "debug mode", and then debugging is stopped, the SMASUP program is automatically run. The SMASUP program extracts the debug information and creates three files. Currently the user must retrieve these files manually, copy them to a desktop machine, and email them to their SMA support staff. The suggestion is to use the MCP utility, OBJECT/EMAIL, to email these files directly form the MCP platform to the support individual. The email address to which to email these containers should be configurable, but not required (if the customer does not want to automatically email the three files). Potential challenges for the email recipient are in identifying from whom the files were received, and to which issue the files pertain. The name of the site can be configured and will remain static, but correlating the files with the related issue (Case #) remains a challenge. I am looking for feedback as to whether this is an enhancement that would be desired,

Declined MCP Agent Suggested by: Hidden identity Upvoted: 27 Jan, '21 Comments: 0

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